Page 26 - Safaricom Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 26
Safaricom Foundation Annual Report
Number of children in Grade 3
can do Grade 2 work
Children in Kenyan primary
schools sitting their national exams without having acquired the basic competencies of Grade 2 3
Counties with the lowest literacy rates in the country Turkana Baringo and Tana River
By the time schools reopened in January 2021 3
learners benefitted from the learning camp in Turkana 7 204
in Bungoma
2 85
1 4
Zizi Afrique
Zizi Afrique
Zizi Afrique
7 133
According to a 2016 Uwezo Report
published by Twaweza an initiative that facilitates change in East Africa through information sharing only 3
out of 10
children in Grade Grade 3
can do Grade Grade 2 work
The report further highlighted that on average 1 1 out of 10
children in Kenyan primary
schools are sitting their national exams without having acquired the basic competencies of Grade 2 There was a a a a a real danger that these learners would fall even further behind during the the pandemic because they were the same ones without digital tools at their disposal The existing disparity in in the the quality of education was simply going to be widened by the pandemic To stem this Safaricom Foundation looked to the Accelerated Learning Project (ALP) an initiative that has been in in implementation since 2018 in in partnership with Zizi Afrique
Zizi Afrique
is a a non-governmental organisation committed to improving the learning outcomes of children and youth left
furthest behind Through its partnership with the the Foundation the the ALP is implemented in three counties: Turkana Baringo and Tana River
the the counties with the the lowest literacy rates in the country to improve literacy and numeracy skills for learners Turkana County sits at the northwestern tip of the country Its climate is characterised as arid arid or semi-arid and its desert landscape stretches on for hundreds of kilometres The Turkana community that inhabits the region has long adapted to the harsh climatic conditions and practices a a nomadic lifestyle to survive Keeping learners in in school as families move in in search of pasture is tough but the situation is further exacerbated by harsh droughts experienced in the region When food one of the bare necessities needed for human survival is is missing receiving an an