Page 19 - Safaricom Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 19

In our rapidly globalising world competition in in in in in economic markets has has become more intense Economic development has driven demand for expertise and individuals who are highly skilled in in various fields run the gamut of of professional to vocational jobs The 2019 report by the Global Economy revealed that tertiary school enrolment was 10 04% that year year That year year 2 6% of the Kenyan population was unemployed A closer look into the government’s educational budget shows that less than 2% of the budget had been allocated to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions Since 2017 Zizi Afrique Foundation had committed to improving learning outcomes for youth furthest behind When our Foundation team met with them Zizi Afrique outlined the the the work they had done in in in in the the the TVET
space in in in in partnership with 13 training institutions A sturdy framework was already in in in place designed to train TVET
students to to help them transition into the the employment world 16

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