Page 80 - Safaricom Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 80

The Trust Deed requires the the trustees to prepare financial financial financial statements for each financial financial financial year that give a a a a a a a a a a a a a a true and fair view of the the financial financial financial position of of of the the the the Foundation as at at at at the the the the end of of of the the the the financial year year and of of of its surplus or or or deficit for for that that year year The trustees are responsible for for ensuring that that the the the the Foundation Foundation keeps proper accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the the transactions of the the Foundation Foundation disclose with reasonable accuracy at at at at at at any time the the the the financial financial position of of the the the the Foundation Foundation and that that enables them to prepare financial financial statements of of the the the the Foundation Foundation that that comply with prescribed financial reporting standards and and the the the requirements of the the the Trust Deed They are also responsible for safeguarding the the the assets of of the the the Foundation and and and for for taking reasonable steps for for the the the prevention and and and detection of of fraud and and and other irregularities The trustees accept responsibility for the the preparation and presentation of these financial statements fin in in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and and in in the the manner required by the the Trust Deed They also accept responsibility for:
i i i i i i i i i i i fi i Designing implementing and maintaining internal control as they determine necessary to enable the the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatements whether due to fraud or or error ii Selecting suitable accounting policies and and then apply them consistently and and iii Making judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable in in in the circumstances Having made an an assessment of of the the Foundation’s ability to continue as as a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a going concern the the trustees are are not aware of of any material uncertainties related to to events or conditions that may cast doubt upon the Foundation’s ability to to continue as as a a a a a a a a going concern The trustees acknowledge that the the the the independent audit of of the the the the financial statements does not relieve them of of their responsibility Approved by the the Board of the the Trustees on Joseph Ogutu Chairman
2021 and signed on its behalf by:
Fawzia Ali Trustee 77
Safaricom Foundation Annual Report 

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